Pigtails UK premiere at Scotland Loves Animation 2016, Itazu guest of honour
September 2, 2016
Yoshimi Itazu's directorial debut Pigtails will be screening in the official selection of the 7th Scotland Loves Animation festival (SLA 2016), to be held in Glasgow on October 14-16, and Edinburgh October 17-23, 2016. The Glasgow screening marks the UK premiere of the film, and Yoshimi Itazu will be attending to present the film and for a Q&A session thereafter.
Screening schedule Glasgow:
Date: October 15, 2016 (Sat)
Time: 16:15
Place: Glasgow Film Theatre
+ Q&A session with Yoshimi Itazu
Screening schedule Edinburgh:
Date: October 23, 2016 (Sun)
Time: 15:45
Place: Filmhouse Cinema
followed by Kick-Heart, Li'l Spider Girl, Drawer Hobs and Oval x Over. Yoshimi Itazu will not be attending the Edinburgh screening.
SLA 2016 official website:
Scotland Loves Animation
© 2015 Machiko Kyo/SHUEISHA, ITSV